Take Action Haiti



Take Action with one of the following steps, or your own ideas. 1. Write a letter to your Congressional or Senate Representatives to find out what they are doing to improve access to education for children in Haiti. http://www.vote-smart.org/index.htm 2. Create a petition, collect signatures, and send them to any of the following U.S. government offices or agencies calling for programs that increase access to education for Haitian children: •The Embassy of the United States in Haiti U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Ms. Janet A. Sanderson Boulevard Harry Truman no. 5 Bicentenaire–Port-au-Prince, Haiti •USAID/Port-Au-Prince Department of State Washington, DC 20521 Tel: 509-223-3805 Fax: 509-223-9603 Write a letter of inquiry to the Haitian Ambassador to the United States or United Nations to find out about the current status on access to education in Haiti: •His Excellency Ambassador, Raymond Joseph 2311 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008 Telephone: (202) 332-4090 Fax: (202) 745-7215 E-mail: embassy@haiti.org http://www.haiti.org •Ambassador Leo Merores Permanent Representative of the Republic of Haiti to the UN 801 Second Avenue, Suite 600 New York, NY 10017 Tel: 212-370-4840 Fax: 212-661-8698 Email: Haiti@un.int www.un.int/haiti 3. Introduce your peers to the game and educate them about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 4. Raise funds to support a local organization in Haiti such as the Maison Fortuné Orphanage in Hinche which is working to provide food, shelter, clothing and education to orphaned Haitian children. Also review the document "Organizational Contacts in Haiti" or do a search of TakingITGlobal's database to find more organizations in Haiti. 5. Write a few paragraphs about what you learned playing the game and post it as a blog entry. Be sure to select 'Class & TIG' visibility and 'Haiti' as the country that your entry is about, so that Global Kids can include your contributions to their compilation of student action on Ayiti. You may also send your entry by email to Global Kids to post on its website. Email to: info@globalkids.org with “Ayiti Action” in the subject line. 6. Educate your peers and members of your community by writing an article on poverty as an obstacle to education in Haiti in your school or community newspaper.