Debrief: Children of Haiti Summit



After Group 1 has made the presentation, consider the following questions. Write a blog entry summarizing your findings. Be sure to select 'Haiti' as the country that your entry is about; and post your reflections on what you have learned from the Summit on the Class Discussions: 1. What did you think of this activity? 2. What are some of the major challenges faced by children in Haiti? 3. What information in the UNICEF Child Alert: Haiti report surprised you? 4. What do you consider to be the biggest obstacle to accessing education in Haiti? Why? 5. What do you think is the most urgent need for a child in Haiti today? 6. What role can the Haitian government play in meeting the needs of Haitian children? 7. What role can the international community play to support Haitian children? 8. What role should the United States government play to support Haitian children? 9. What role can youth play to make a difference here and in Haiti?

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